Engr. Md. Zahidul Islam
I am Md. Zahidul Islam, working as an Assistant Director in a Government organization named Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC). Really feeling proud as an UITSian to be a part of Alumni. I think, this the real platform to build a bridge between University and it’s students. By using this platform both University and it’s students can be benefited to enrich their knowledge. Not only that, it can play a significant role to build up a knowledge based society. Perspective of current world trend, we all know that, knowledge and information are the power. But we should not forget that, it will only be possible when University and it’s students will own each other.
Our beloved University has a meaningful name. Information and Technology (IT) are specifically mentioned in the name of our University. Information Technology (IT) will dominate the whole world in near future. But IT sector is changing randomly. It is really difficult to maintain the pace with IT world. So we have to be very much sincere and careful to update with the changes. The curriculum should be practical world oriented, rather more specifically I should say, job oriented. We have to participate in technology related international workshop, seminar, symposium etc. Alumni can play a significant role to arrange this type of knowledge sharing program. All the very best.