Currently, I am a doctoral research student on biomedical engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) which is one of the internationally recognized, top-tier research universities in China. At SJTU I am doing research on biomaterials and biochip devices for clinical diagnostics in clinics. I am an Alumni of UITS. I graduated from UITS with B.Sc. in EEE in 2013. My time at the University of UITS left me with an open mind and important skills that I have deployed to the study and work I do now. My mind became open to the endless opportunities available to make a difference in a field that is important to me. During my studies, my research skills drastically improved and I developed a strategic way of going about projects; words like value chain, waste management, and time management, all became real concepts to me that I now apply every day within my study career. There are fundamental concepts that my activities are now based on that emanated from my studies at the University of UITS. I dedicate my passion and intelligence to solve social and environmental problems with innovative technologies. I also have a passion for volunteering, especially for poor people in rural area.